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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1207期:《贝尔暗礁的传说》

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The legend of the Bell Rock

Original poem by: Robert Southey, writtenin 1802. (title of the poem: "The Inchcape Rock")

1. This is a story of twobrothers. One took to religion, theother took to the sea. One became a monk,then a prior and ultimately an abbot. The other, a sailor, a sea captain and eventually a notoriouspirate! For he was as wicked as his brother was good.

2. Although each was aware of theother's occupation, they had littlepersonal contact. The Abbot prayed often for the sea robber. Who, in turn despised his brother's chosen calling andtook every opportunity to ridicule and embarrass him.

3. The Abbot was working in an abbey of a small coastal town. The Abbot had become increasingly concerned about thenumber of ships that were being wrecked upon a small rocky island just beyond the Firth of Tay. The island was so small it was not well visible to the eye of sailors,so many ships crashed into it.

4. "What could be done", wonderedthe Abbot, "to protect shipping and the lives of the sailors?"He called for ameeting between ship owners and leading citizens of the town. After some lengthy discussions, it was decided that a large bell be fixed ontothe island. The ringing of the bell in the wind would alert the crewmenaboard the vessels of the dangers lyingahead.

5. In three months they hadsufficient funds with which topurchase a great bronze bell from abell foundry in Amsterdam. In ashort time, the bell was in place on the island; hymns were sung, prayers were said and the bell was blessed.

6. Abanquet had been prepared to celebrate the Abbot and the successfulplacement of the bell. The Abbot gave thanks for God's guidance. Many disasterswould be averted and moreimportantly, lives would be saved. The little rocky island became known to mariners as ‘The Bell Rock'.

7. Meanwhile, far away in the warm climate of the Mediterranean, the younger brother was robbing and pillaging ships and towns along theCoast of North Africa. The news of his brother's work he greeted with scorn and disdain. He laughingly claimed that he put the fear of God intomore people in a month than the worthy Abbot would in his lifetime! Nevertheless, he was irritated that the humble priest was receiving praise. Heplanned to do something about it.

8. Six weeks later, the pirateship, loaded with booty, dropped itsanchor in the firth nearthe Bell Rock island. The captain rowed tothe island with six of his crew.Once there, it took less than ten minutes to unhook the bell and roll it into the sea! It sank silently,disappearing below the waves.The captain gazed at the spot and said almost to himself,"The next visitors to Bell rock island won't be blessing the Abbot!".

9. The next day, the captain wasready to go back to the African Coast. This time the sea had a heavier swell, as they sailed out of the firth,heading for the North Sea. The wind became stronger and it began to rain. Thecrew was nervous and mostly silent. Although they were rough and ready buccaneers, they were also superstitious. They were right to beafraid.

10. As the storm grew in strength,visibility was reduced to nil andcontrol of the vessel became impossible. Suddenly, with a grinding crunch, the ship came to a shuddering stop and immediately lurched onto its side. They had hitthe island! There had been no warning bell; for had it not been rolled into thesea? Water poured over the ship as it began to break up. The crewmen screamedin terror as they fell into the waves. In a short time, there was nothing leftof the ship or its crew, save one lone survivor.

11. He had a strange tale to tell.He said that he saw the captain disappear into the sea and at that very momenthe swore that he had heard the ringing of a bell; as though the Devil himselfwas bidding the captain, "Welcome!"Thebell was never replaced and it was not until more modern times that a lighthouse was built on the rock. ‘TheBell Rock Lighthouse' has protected shipping ever since.

12. But even today, sailors willtell you that when the sea in the Firth of Tay is rough, there are times thatthey can hear the ringing of a bell. And when they look into the sky, they seea ghostly sailing ship with one solitary figure pacing the deck!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
scorn [skɔ:n]


n. 轻蔑,奚落,笑柄
v. 轻蔑,鄙视,嘲弄

prior ['praiə]


adj. 优先的,更重要的,在前的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

vessel ['vesl]


n. 容器,器皿,船,舰
n. 脉管,血

nevertheless [.nevəðə'les]


adv. 仍然,不过
conj. 然而,不过

occupation [.ɔkju'peiʃən]


n. 职业,侵占,居住

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

ridicule ['ridikju:l]


n. 嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄 v. 嘲笑,嘲弄,愚弄

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终





