Latest headlines for you from BBC News.
The founder of the Chinese tech giant Huawei has said there is no way the United States can crush his company.
Several countries are investigating whether Huawei poses a security risk.
In the interview with the BBC, Ren Zhengfei also described his daughter's detention at the request to the United States, she is the company's CFO, as a politically motivated act.
在与BBC的采访中 任正非还表示 应美国要求拘留其女儿的行为带有政治动机 他的女儿是华为的首席财务官
President Trump has again urged the Venezuelan military to end their support to president Nicolas Maduro and refused his orders to block humanitarian aid waiting at the border.
特朗普总统再次敦促委内瑞拉军方停止对尼古拉斯·马杜罗总统的支持 并拒绝他将在边境等待的人道主义援助拦截在外的指令
In a speech in Miami, Mr. Trump says soldiers risk losing everything if they don't switch their allegiance to opposition leader Fran Guido.
在迈阿密的演讲中 特朗普表示 如果士兵们不转而效忠反对党领袖弗兰·瓜衣多 那他们可能失去一切
A teenager who left Britain to join the extremist group, so-called Islamic State when she was 15 has asked the British people for forgiveness.
一名少女在15岁时离开英国 加入了极端分子组织——所谓的“伊斯兰国” 现在她请求英国人民的原谅
Shamima Begum wants to return to raise her newborn baby.
Shamima Begum想回国养育她刚出生的孩子