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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

And for me anytime I get a chance to reflect on hope it always begins with what the great Antonio Gramsci would call a "critical self-inventory"

只要我有机会思考希望的时候 首先想到的就是安东尼奥·葛兰西会怎么理解“批判性自我清单”

because hope is in fact the kind of notion you could never really wrap your heart and mind and soul around,

因为希望其实是一种你的心 思想和灵魂永远无法抓住的东西

you have to give an account for the hope inside of you so it's existential, it's very personal.

你必须解释你内心的那种希望 所以它只是存在主义 是非常个人化的东西

It may be groundless but it can be soulful, which is to say, "what keeps you going?"

它可能毫无依据但却又有强大的精神力量 其实就是“是什么让你坚持走下去?”


How do you account for the brief trek between mama's womb and tomb?


What has gone into the shaping and molding, the situating and locating of yourself and soul

在自己和灵魂的塑造 成型 处置和安放的过程中融入了什么

in relation to others knowing that the self is always connected, intimately shaped by others.

其他人都知道自我总是与他人有关 并会被别人塑造

So I begin any talk about hope, let alone justice, with acknowledging that I am who I am because somebody loved me, somebody cared for me.

所以每次谈到希望的时候 我一开始就会承认我之所以成为我是因为有人爱我 有人关心我 更不用说正义了

Why do I begin—this is not a sentimental, this is what I call revolutionary piety.

我为什么开始——这不是情感上的虔诚 我称之为革命性虔诚

Piety is acknowledging one's indebtedness to the sources of good in one's life.


It's trying to account for the forces that have pushed one, the wind at one's back in whatever progress one has made in life.

它试图解释推动你前行的那股力量 那股让你在生活中取得进展的背后力量

And sometimes the progress is simply negative, not to commit suicide this morning.

有时候这股力量是消极的 比如“今天早上不要自杀”

That's a breakthrough. And how do you do that?

“做到了那就是个突破了” 你会怎么做呢?

By acknowledging the ways in which the indebtedness that you have allow the afterlife of those who came before to be manifest in your life


if the best of what they are is enacted and embodied in the best that you're attempting to be.


Now, in the academic context a lot of people call that Emersonian perfectionism, it's a kind of reliance on a self that's forever rescinding.

在学术界 很多人把它叫做爱默生完美主义 它像是依赖一个永远在废除的自己

It's always non-conformist. It always cuts against the grain. It's always contrary.

它是另类分子 总是格格不入 与常理相反

It's always acknowledging degrees. It is subverting the worst and preserving the best.

它关乎承认度 它要逆转最坏 保持最好

Now conservative and preservative are two very different things.


I am committed profoundly to tradition, to preserve not to conserve, to preserve the best and it ends up being over, against a status quo.

我热爱传统 致力于保存而不是保守 保存最好的东西 结果就是与现状相反

I come from a tradition of peoples, of family who have been hated chronically and systematically for 400 years and yet still taught the world is so much about how to love.

我来自一个被长期系统化憎恨了400年的种族 但依然教这世界如何去爱

I could just turn on John Coltrane's "Love Supreme" right now and sit down. That's it.

我可以立马打开约翰·柯川的“Love Supreme”然后坐下来就得了

"A love supreme. A love supreme." It goes back to the spirituals and the ring shout, it goes back to the blues,

“A love supreme. A love supreme” 它可以追溯到灵歌 蓝调音乐

it goes back to Robert Johnson, it goes back to Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith, it goes back to Charlie Parker.

到罗伯特·约翰逊 莫尼克和贝西·史密斯 能追溯到查理·帕克

You could feel that tradition through him and we're living in a Trump moment,

你能从他身上感受到这种传统 我们生活在特朗普统治下的时代

which is a moment of spiritual black out, which is the relative eclipse of integrity, honesty, decency.

这个时代缺乏精神 缺乏正直 诚实和庄重

Across the board, it's not just him. You don't isolate him.

整体来讲 不光是他 你不能孤立他

You don't fetishize him as some individual, he represents the worst of the American empire, the worst of American culture, the atavism,

你不能把他当做一个个体 他代表了美国最坏的形象 也是美国文化最差的形象 返祖现象

the narcissism, the xenophobia, the white male mendacity and mediocrity that has a long history in the country and now the chickens have come home to roost.

自恋 仇外 白人男性的虚伪以及这个国家由来已久的平庸 现在这都要遭报应了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reliance [ri'laiəns]


n. 信赖,所信赖的人或物

revolutionary [.revə'lu:ʃənəri]


adj. 革命的
n. 革命者

contrary ['kɔntrəri]


adj. 相反的,截然不同的
adv. 相反(

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

piety ['paiəti]


n. 虔诚

reflect [ri'flekt]


v. 反映,反射,归咎

conserve ['kɔnsə:v,kən'sə:v]


n. 蜜饯,果酱
vt. 保存,与糖放在一起,

spiritual ['spiritjuəl]


adj. 精神的,心灵的,与上帝有关的

context ['kɔntekst]


n. 上下文,环境,背景

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的





