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Day99 美女与野兽(下)

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7)Chip is an only child
Chip, the little boy turned teacup, sleeps in a cupboard with his brothers and sisters in the animated film. In the new version, he is Mrs. Potts's only child.
8) There's new music
Alan Menken composed four new tunes for the musical, including a solo moment for the Beast called "Evermore," which he sings after letting Belle go free. Other new songs on the soundtrack include Celine Dion's "How Does a Moment Last Forever," Audra McDonald's "Aria" and "Days in the Sun," when the objects in the castle recall what it was like to be human.
9) The "grey stuff" gets downgraded
During "Be Our Guest," Lumière offers a platter of treats—including the "grey stuff"—to Belle, but unlike in the animated film, she doesn't actually sample it. A real-life version of the dessert is available at Disney World and there are countless recipes for it online.
10)There's a new character
Stanley Tucci plays Maestro Cadenza, a harpsichord and love interest to AudraMcDonald's Madame Garderobe.
11) Gaston leaves Maurice to die
In the animated movie, Gaston pays a man to take Maurice to a mental hospital against his will after Belle refuses his advances. In the live-action version, his betrayal is far worse. He attempts to help Maurice retrieve Belle from the castle—if only to make himself look better. But when complications arise on the way to the castle, Gaston and LeFou abandon the carriage and tie Maurice to a tree in the forest, leaving him—quite literally—to the wolves.
12) The Enchantress plays a bigger role
Disguised as an old woman, the Enchantress curses the Beast at the beginning of the movie. But she remains in the village and shows up at a crucial moment near the end of the film.

Chip, the little boy turned teacup, sleeps in a cupboard with his brothers and sisters in the animated film. In the new version, he is Mrs. Potts's only child.
cupboard n.橱柜

Alan Menken composed four new tunes for the musical, including a solo moment for the Beast called "Evermore," which he sings after letting Belle go free. Other new songs on the soundtrack include Celine Dion's "How Does a Moment Last Forever," Audra McDonald's "Aria" and "Days in the Sun," when the objects in the castle recall what it was like to be human.
艾伦•门肯为音乐剧创作了四首新曲,其中包括一个名为“Evermore”的野兽的独奏时刻,在让贝儿恢复自由之后所唱。歌曲中的其他新歌曲包括席琳•迪翁的“How does a mement last forever”,奥德拉的“Aria”和当城堡里的活动物品在回忆人类时光的时候的“Days in the Sun”。
compose v.作曲
- composer n.作曲家
tune n.曲子
- tune v.调音,调试
- We tuned our bike before the road trip.
musical n.音乐歌舞剧
solo n.独奏,独唱
evermore adv.永远 (forever)
- He promised to love her evermore.
soundtrack n.电影原声音乐
object n.物品
I was the one who had it all
I was the master of my fate
I never needed anybody in my life
I learned the truth too late
I‘ll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes but she’s still there
I let her steal into my melancholy heart
It‘s more than I can bear
Now I know she’ll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me, call me, hurt me
Move me come what may
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself she'll walk right in
And be with me for evermore

During "Be Our Guest," Lumière offers a platter of treats—including the "grey stuff"—to Belle, but unlike in the animated film, she doesn't actually sample it. A real-life version of the dessert is available at Disney World and there are countless recipes for it online.
lumière n.光
platter n.大盘子
- large platter of hot turkey and ham
treat n.款待
stuff n.东西
sample v.挑取品尝 (to taste a small amount of...)
- sample a wine
countless adj.无数的
recipe n.食谱

Stanley Tucci plays Maestro Cadenza, a harpsichord and love interest to Audra McDonald's Madame Garderobe.
斯坦利•图奇扮演竖键琴Maestro Cadenza,衣柜夫人的爱人。
harpsichord n.竖键琴
garderobe n.衣柜
love interest (to)爱人

In the animated movie, Gaston pays a man to take Maurice to a mental hospital against his will after Belle refuses his advances. In the live-action version, his betrayal is far worse. He attempts to help Maurice retrieve Belle from the castle—if only to make himself look better. But when complications arise on the way to the castle, Gaston and LeFou abandon the carriage and tie Maurice to a tree in the forest, leaving him—quite literally—to the wolves.
mental adj.精神的
advance n.追求
betrayal n.背叛
attempt v.试图
retrieve v.寻回 (to get something back)
- Police retrieved the stolen car.
if only to 只为了 (as long as)
complication n.困难
arise v.出现,发生
- The problems arise.
abandon v.抛弃
carriage n.马车
literally adv.差不多要,简直是
-I literally did nothing on Sunday.

Disguised as an old woman, the Enchantress curses the Beast at the beginning of the movie. But she remains in the village and shows up at a crucial moment near the end of the film.
disguise v.假扮,隐藏
- She disguised herself in a wig and glasses.
- I'm unable to disguise my true feelings.
crucial adj.关键的 (extremely important)
- It's crucial that we arrive on time.
- Teachers are crucial to the success of the school.
- critical, pivotal, vital

重点单词   查看全部解释    
critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

complication [.kɔmpli'keiʃən]


n. 复杂,并发症,纠纷

retrieve [ri'tri:v]


vt. 挽回,恢复,回忆,补偿
vi. 找回猎

melancholy ['melənkɔli]


n. 忧沉,悲哀,愁思 adj. 忧沉的,使人悲伤的,愁

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

turkey ['tə:ki]


n. 土耳其
n. 火

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

aria ['ariə]


n. 抒情调,独唱曲





