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时间:2007-04-03 01:25:12 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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[00:07.51]Listen and Share
[00:57.73]Now is not the time
[00:58.29]to be trusting a black inmate, Michael.
[01:00.06]Our relationship transcends race.
[01:02.14]Nothing transcends race in here.
[01:05.03]I can't let you do it.
[01:06.55]Good behavior, you're out of here in three years.
[01:08.36]Gonna be a whole lot sooner than that.
[01:09.64]It can't be done...
[01:10.41]It can't be done, Michael.
[01:11.46]No one's ever broken out of Fox River.
[01:12.77]Every single step's already been mapped out,
[01:14.97]every contingency.
[01:16.26]Every contingency?
[01:18.11]You may have the blueprints for this place,
[01:19.75]but there's one thing those plans
[01:20.80]can't show you. People.
[01:22.59]Guys like Abruzzi.
[01:23.34]You so much as look at these cats
[01:24.69]the wrong way, they'll cut you up.
[01:26.15]As far as the rest of these guys are concerned,
[01:28.07]I'm just another con doing his time,
[01:30.70]staying out of trouble.
[01:31.74]You don't go looking for trouble in here,
[01:32.89]it just finds you.
[01:34.16]And when it does, we'll be long gone.
[01:36.17]This is madness.
[01:37.38]You can't even get out of your cell.
[01:39.34]Not true.
[01:40.46]What, you got a key?
[01:41.95]Something like that.
[02:03.63]Now is not the time
[02:04.90]to be trusting a black inmate, Michael.
[02:17.37]Our relationship transcends race.
[02:20.15]Nothing transcends race in here.
[02:31.66]I can't let you do it.
[02:39.88]Good behavior,
[02:41.06]you're out of here in three years.
[02:43.32]Gonna be a whole lot sooner than that.
[02:58.14]It can't be done...
[02:59.66]It can't be done, Michael.
[03:01.24]No one's ever broken out of Fox River.
[03:03.96]Every single step's already been
[03:06.03]mapped out,
[03:20.57]every contingency.
[03:22.49]Every contingency?
[03:33.22]You may have the blueprints for this place,
[03:36.27]but there's one thing those plans
[03:37.85]can't show you. People.
[03:52.28]Guys like Abruzzi.
[03:53.99]You so much as look at these cats
[03:55.94]the wrong way, they'll cut you up.
[04:10.88]As far as the rest of these guys are concerned,
[04:13.77]I'm just another con doing his time,
[04:17.25]staying out of trouble.
[04:27.99]You don't go looking for trouble in here,
[04:30.51]it just finds you.
[04:41.68]And when it does, we'll be long gone.
[04:44.96]This is madness.
[04:46.57]You can't even get out of your cell.
[05:01.11]Not true.
[05:02.49]What, you got a key?
[05:04.60]Something like that.
[05:36.58]inmate 狱友
[06:08.76]transcend  超出,超越
[06:16.22]She far transcends the others
[06:17.93]in beauty and intelligence.
[06:24.67]break out  爆发
[06:27.72]Rioting broke out between rival groups of fans.
[06:35.74]break out
[06:39.58]Several prisoners broke out of the jail.
[06:47.63]map out  详细计划
[06:52.74]I like to map out the whole week in advance.
[07:29.63]as far as the rest of these guys are concerned
[07:34.91]as far as I'm concerned
[07:47.16]as far as the rest of thes guys are concerned
[07:53.90]con  囚犯
[08:01.22]convict  罪犯
[08:09.13]stay out of trouble
[08:14.45]stay out of something
[08:19.76]Why don't you just stay out of my life.
[08:26.08]leave me alone
[08:30.88]cell  囚室

相关热词搜索: 越狱

上一篇:真实生活英语Unit30:Cost of Living生活费用



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时间:2007-01-08 作者:admin

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